In face of the eco-political challenges of the 21st century, the 1st International Ecoperformance Festival engages in the transcultural mission of gathering artists who perform in natural, urban and virtual landscapes in order to investigate, question or reaffirm poetically the co-presence, composition and conflict of the body and the environment.
Conceived and organized by Taanteatro Companhia (São Paulo/Brazil), this first edition of the festival received proposals from five continents and selected 34 videos conceptualized as Ecopoet[h]ics and Ecopoet[h]ics in Progress created by performing and visual artists from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Japan, Morocco, Mozambique, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Singapore, Turkey, UK, US and Venezuela.
The 1st International Ecoperformance Festival is part of Taanteatro 30 Years project.

March 16 and 18, 2021
Video performances exploring poetic and political dimensions of interaction with the environment.
March 17, 2021
Experimental stage video performances.
The concept ecoperformance was coined in 2009 by the Brazilian performing artist Maura Baiocchi designating a cycle of her works that investigate the play of tensions between body, ancestry, and environment.